Hi! I’m Paul Osborne, the Media and Communications Director for the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference.
Registrations are now open for the 2024 Australian Catholic Communications Congress in Sydney. We are offering an early bird price for people who register before the end of June.
The Congress program will include something for everyone. We’ll have an international guest speaker, Sister Rose Pacatte, an award-winning author, film columnist and media educator. Our dinner will be held at the Kirribilli Club and feature a speech by journalism educator, press freedom advocate and former global correspondent, Peter Greste.
And there are the masterclasses – on effective sharing of the Gospel, photography, video, advertising, strategic communications, artificial intelligence, newsletters and web design. Plus – it will be a wonderful opportunity for networking with other Catholics engaged in media and communications from right around Australia.
The Congress is only held every three years, so don’t miss this opportunity to learn and grow as a Catholic communicator.
I’ll see you at the Congress. Register now.
Registrations open until 8th of August!
Click on the button to go to the Eventbrite event page to view pricing. You may register multiple participants under one account.