We are 50 days out from the Australian Catholic Communications Congress 2024 to be staged at Rydges North Sydney (new name for the Miller Hotel).
Thank you for registering for the Congress. We hope it will be a worthwhile experience in terms of formation, learning and networking.
There have been a few changes to the program.
Mass venue
The Mass venue on the evening of August 29 will be St Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney, followed by the Congress dinner at the nearby NSW Parliament.
We will provide return transport between North Sydney and the Sydney CBD.
Workshops survey
If you have not already responded to the survey regarding workshops, could you please check your email for the Form (or click here https://forms.office.com/r/vdavqxarSU ) and return it as soon as possible so we can gauge interest in the 16 workshops planned over two days.
Dietary and disability needs
If you have any dietary or disability issues, please respond to this form: https://forms.office.com/r/c0LfWSgZPD
Masterclass workshop topics
The workshop program is available on the website Program – Media Congress 2024 (catholic.au)
A huge thanks to our sponsors: PACEM (Melbourne Archdiocese), UniSuper, Caritas, Harvest Journeys, ACU, National Catholic Education Commission, Melbourne CDF, Sydney CDF, CathNews and Sevenhill Cellars.
We greatly appreciate your support and look forward to a stimulating Congress.
Registrations open until 8th of August!
Click on the button to go to the Eventbrite event page to view pricing. You may register multiple participants under one account.