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Dinner Speaker: Peter Greste

Peter Greste is an academic, author and journalist. He has been working in the media for more than three decades, including 25 years as a foreign correspondent working for the BBC, Al Jazeera and Reuters.

After a 400-day spell in Egypt on terrorism charges (accused of “news reporting which was ‘damaging to national security’”), he was released in February 2015 and deported to Australia. Peter has made it his mission to advocate for media freedom everywhere. He was awarded the 2015 Australian Human Rights Medal and is a past winner of the Peabody Award for a BBC documentary on Somalia.

In 2022, Peter started as an adjunct professor of journalism at Macquarie University. The story of how his family took on the Egyptian government to get him out of prison is told in the book Freeing Peter (Penguin 2016).

In 2017, Peter’s acclaimed book The First Casualty, which examines the forces putting journalism under threat, was published by Viking.

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