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Pilgrimage offers life-changing encounters

Whilst the destination of pilgrimage has always been important, the grace of the journey itself is what many pilgrims value, days and often years after they return.

Due to the war in Israel, Harvest Journeys is facing the challenge of not being able to take pilgrims to arguably the holiest land on earth. This has impacted thousands of pilgrims with a lifelong dream to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, says Selina Hasham, Harvest Journeys CEO.

“The tragic situation in the Holy Land doesn’t change our mission of pilgrimage, which is to provide opportunities for life-changing encounters for each pilgrim, wherever they travel.”

Other pilgrimage places such as Greece and Turkey in the pathways of St Paul, the many beautiful Marian Shrines of the world, and our own Great South Land of the Holy Spirit offer opportunities for meaningful encounters with God. Undertaking a pilgrimage, no matter the destination and especially in the Jubilee Holy Year 2025, helps us gain insight into our lives and what Pope Francis expresses:

“The whole journey of life is a journey of preparation… to see, to feel, to understand the beauty of what lies ahead, of that homeland towards which we walk. Journeying is an art… Walking in community, with friends, with those who love us, to help us arrive precisely at that goal, that place where we’re supposed to arrive.” For a full range of pilgrimage journeys, see

Registrations open until 8th of August!

Click on the button to go to the Eventbrite event page to view pricing. You may register multiple participants under one account.
