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Why attend the Congress?

The Congress is a great way to learn, network and enhance your skills. It’s an investment in your professional growth.


You will gain a fresh perspective by stepping away from your daily routine and immersing yourself in a conference environment that allows you to learn new ideas and approaches.

There are opportunities to expand your professional network, meeting peers and potential project partners, finding people with similar interests – and maybe even a mentor or job opportunity.

And we’ll update you on industry trends, exploring current best practices, new tools and techniques, and inform you about the latest developments in the media and communications ecosystem.

We hope it will be spiritually enriching for you, as we pray together, celebrate Mass and open the Scriptures.

Pope Francis’ Statement

As the Holy Father said in his World Communications Day statement for 2024: “Only by adopting a spiritual way of viewing reality, only by recovering a wisdom of the heart, can we confront and interpret the newness of our time and rediscover the path to a fully human communication.”

Registrations still open!

Click on the button to go to the Eventbrite event page to view pricing. You may register multiple participants under one account.
